Viewing dropped students' grades




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    Cristian Alvarado

    Similar to iLearn, if someone drops a section and you need to find their information, you need to manually add the student back. When you add the student back you'll be able to see their data. After you are done, you can manually remove the student again from the People page.

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    Jakob Kotas

    Hi, thanks. I was able to manually add the student back. However his grades are still all missing, in both his old and his new section of the class. I'm guessing this has to do with the integration between the online homework system we are using in the Math Dept. (Edfinity) and Canvas. I'm guessing I may have to contact Edfinity in this case.

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    Cristian Alvarado

    If the grades were in a third party tool, yes, you will need to contact that vendor's support.

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    Jakob Kotas

    Thank you for your help.


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