How long after a course ends can students access the Canvas course site?




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    Cristian Alvarado

    The default settings is for a course to become read-only after a term ends. That is to say students can still access materials, but cannot interact with assignments, quizzes and discussions. I have noticed that some people have been either intentionally or unintentionally enabling a feature that completely revokes access after the term ends, but that is not the default behavior. 

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    Brian Beatty

    Thank you Cristian - that's all they need is read access. Will the read only course access remain available for a set period of time? I think we had the expectation of one year in iLearn.

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    Bradley Bowser


    I have a student that has to finish a course after the end of the semester (they received an I for the course).  Is there any way to reopen a class for them to be able to interact with activities/ assignments?

    Thank you!

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    Cristian Alvarado

    Bradley Bowser: we can do that on request to We need to know which class, specifically, and we can reopen it.

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