


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Cristian Alvarado

    As part of the final transition over to Canvas we also switched over to a more direct connection to campus solutions for enrollment data. This changeover allows Canvas to update way more frequently (2 hours instead of the old 8 hours), but came with some changes. By default, students were being flagged as "inactive" when they dropped the class. The default behavior is this way to prevent a situation where a student gets accidentally dropped and the instructor loses all access to that student's data and submissions.

    After hearing from many faculty the last couple of weeks, we've changed the settings so that moving forward, the behavior is the same as it was before; dropped students will be outright deleted from a course.

    This will only apply from this morning forward, though, so if you need existing inactive students removed from your course, please email us at with your course name and section and we can do that cleanup for you.

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