Incorporating Images into Faculty text boxes
I think that the new syllabus tool looks great -- a vast improvement on the old one (which I abandoned in frustration over five years ago, I think). One feature request. I love that the campus resources come with images to enliven the presentation, but why can't faculty also add images? The text boxes don't seem to have an image link (like the one in this box).
For example, I like adding a cover image of my textbook to Course Materials, something I routinely do in my word processor before converting the syllabus to a pdf. I have also taken to adding other little images here and there to break up text. Just examples.
So the feature request would be the ability to add an image of the same size as those used for the click and paste campus resources.
Good work on the Syllabus tool revision.
Official comment
This is definitely something we want to add, but there are accessibility concerns with the accessible Word document output. We're looking into how we can add this and maintain the accessibility that the current tool provides.
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