

  • Official comment
    Lindsey Irizarry

    To upload a picture to the course card please follow these instructions:

    1. Navigate to your Canvas course.

    2. Select Settings from the course navigation menu on the bottom left.

    3. Under Course Details, select Choose Image.

    4. Upload image.

    5. Scroll down on the Course Details page, and select Update Course Details.


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    Brinda Govindan

    I got that you can upload it under course settings--it worked for my sandbox! 

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    Donna De La Perriere

    And where is Settings?  Not on bottom left of any menu I'm seeing.


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    Daniel Ciomek

    What are the recommended size settings for the course card image? What's the best format for it to look clear and not distorted?

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    Cristian Alvarado

    Canvas doesn't really recommend a specific size. The images are mildly resized, but keep their original aspect ratio so they aren't distorted, and then the version shown on the card is cropped from the outer edges in to 262x146 for the actual card.

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