communication with students




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    Cristian Alvarado

    Apologies for not answering this sooner. As you can imagine, it's a bit crazy right now.

    Students cannot see announcements until the course is published. Generally, students cannot access the course until the course is published either. I would recommend that if you're trying to communicate with students before the semester starts, publish your course first. Once your course is published, students will start being able to see things.

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    Gretchen Le Buhn

    I second this question.  I added a request that student "like" or reply to the announcement and no one has done so which makes me think these emails are not going out.


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    Brinda Govindan

    If you look at your course page using "student view" you will see that the announcement you posted shows up on the right hand side "To-do" list at the top. It still doesn't show whether students have read it or not, but at least you know that it is there.  Also on an earlier thread (re quickmail) it was pointed out that announcements in Canvas get pushed to student emails and to their Canvas app. I agree with Gretchen that it is a bit disconcerting to not really know whether students are actually receiving and reading our messages/announcements! Perhaps students have not logged onto Canvas yet....

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    Brinda Govindan
    Hi Cristian,
    My courses are published and I put up a "welcome" announcement with a bunch of pre-first day info. I noticed that it appears at the top of the students' "to-do" list on the right, but I was wondering if it also gets sent to their email and/or if the "bullhorn" icon on the course dashboard shows something to indicate that there is an announcement that needs to be viewed. My confusion was that when I look at the courses on the dashboard, the bullhorn icon doesn't show any number or anything. Thanks for your help!
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    Cristian Alvarado

    By default announcements are sent via email. It is, however, before the semester begins so students may not be checking their school email yet.

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