Getting Started
Where: Appointment Summary Reports are primarily created and stored in three main sections of Navigator - your staff homepage, a student's profile page, and the Reporting tab.
Who: Appointment Summary Reports provide staff and faculty with the ability to record interactions with students pertaining to a specific appointment.
Appointment Summary Reports allow you to document information pertaining to a specific student appointment, whether the appointment was scheduled, a walk-in or the student was a no-show. Access to student summary reports may be limited to your specific Care Unit or based on your user role permissions.
FERPA and Appointment Summary Reports
Advising Summary Reports can be viewed by you and other campus advisors who have access to the student's profile. As an educational record, these reports are subject to compliance with FERPA guidelines, so please exercise professionalism, and discernment in determining which details of an advising exchange/interaction to record. Highly sensitive or strictly confidential information should not be recorded in a summary.
Launching Advising Summary Reports
Whether you launch an Advising Summary Report by starting an appointment or by Reporting on Advising through a student’s profile, you will see the same window below with the exception of one difference: the pre-populated Appointment field only appears when you launch an Advising Summary Report by starting an appointment. Of note, Advising Summary Reports are NOT accessible to students.
To create as accurate an Advising Summary Report as possible, you should specify the reason for the advising exchange/interaction in the Reason field. The report will automatically populate with the reason code already associated with the advising exchange, but you can modify this. These reason codes are captured in the platform’s data analytics, so we encourage you to be as specific as possible when inputting the reasons for your advising exchanges/interactions.
Creating Appointment Summary Reports - Students with Appointments
Summary Reports can be created during or after meeting with students. You can add a summary report to an appointment scheduled in advance, create a summary report for a walk-in appointment, mark a student as a no-show, or edit existing summary reports.
For Scheduled Appointments: To add an Appointment Summary for a past scheduled appointment, access your appointments section from your staff home page. On your Staff homepage, under the “Students” tab, scroll down and find your Recent Appointments. From this section, you can click on a student and select “Add Appointment Summary” from the Actions dropdown. You can also access this section from the “Upcoming Appointments” tab of the Staff Home.
Note: It is important to always create Appointment Summary Reports from the scheduled appointment itself, rather than ad-hoc, to ensure the Summary Report is tied to that specific appointment.
You can also add a summary report to an appointment in progress from the Appointment Queues tab of Staff Home. In this tab, the section Students Checked in for Appointments allows you to select a student who has arrived for their scheduled appointment and select Start Appointment from the drop-down menu. This will open the summary report dialogue box in your browser window. If you wish to view other information on the platform while the appointment progresses, you can minimize the dialogue box and return later.
Creating Appointment Summary Reports - Walk-in Appointments
For Walk-in Appointments: There are several different ways to create an ad-hoc Appointment Summary Report for walk-in appointments. Create Appointment Summary is an option in the Actions drop-down menu throughout the platform. The easiest way to create an ad-hoc Appointment Summary Report for a walk-in appointment is from Staff Home or a student profile. Under the Students tab of Staff Home, find the specific student in your My Assigned Students section, or click the drop-down to find the student from one of your saved lists. From this section, you can click on a student and select Create Appointment Summary from the Actions dropdown. This will create an Appointment Summary and add that appointment to your calendar in the past.
Creating Appointment Summary Reports - No-Show Appointments
For No-Show Appointments: The primary way to mark a student as a no-show for a scheduled appointment is from Staff Home. On the Students tab, scroll down and find your Recent Appointments. From this section, you can click on a student and select Mark No-Show from the Actions dropdown. You can also access this section from the Upcoming Appointments tab of your homepage. Marking a student as a no-show still adds a Summary Report to the appointment. The only difference is that the box next to the student’s name called Attended will not be checked. See the screenshot below.
Appointment Summary Reports Key
Anatomy of an Appointment Summary Report: Appointment Summary Reports should only include information related to that specific appointment. Within an Appointment Summary Report, you can include the following information:
Appointment: Gives the date, time, and scheduled Service for the appointment.
Appointment Campaign: If the appointment was scheduled through an Appointment Campaign, then the name of the campaign will be selected. If the Location and Service of the appointment correspond with an Appointment Campaign you are involved with, you may be able to associate this appointment with the campaign by selecting it from this dropdown. For more information about Appointment Campaigns, see this article.
Care Unit: Indicates the Care Unit associated with the appointment. This field will be locked if scheduled in advance.
Location: The location where the appointment occurred. This field will be locked if scheduled through an appointment campaign.
Service: Indicates the student service associated with the appointment. Only services associated with the selected Location will display as options in your summary report.
Course: You can associate the appointment with one specific course. The student’s currently enrolled courses will display when selecting this dropdown, but you may search for any course regardless of the student’s enrollment. Please note - the course should populate on the report automatically if the session was scheduled for a course or the student dropped in for a specific course.
Meeting Type: Indicates if the meeting was on the phone, in-person, or virtual. These options are configured by your institution.
Date of Visit: The date the appointment occurred.
Meeting Start/Meeting End: For appointments scheduled in advance, the Meeting Start and End times will default to the scheduled start and end times for the appointment. For walk-in/drop-in appointments, the Meeting Start time will default to the time the summary report is created and the End time will default to the time the summary report is saved. You can edit the fields as needed.
Check-in/Checkout: These fields will default to the times when the student checked in and checked out via Kiosk or Appointment Center. In cases where the student did not check-in or check out for the appointment, the fields will remain blank. In cases where the student checked in but did not check out, the Checkout time will default to the time the summary report is saved.
Attendees: The checkboxes will be checked or not to indicate attendance for each appointment attendee. Not checking the box indicates a no-show.
Summary Details: These fields and questions are optional and can be completed at your discretion. These options are configured by your institution and some choose not to populate these additional fields. Summary: Use this field to summarize your interaction with the student.
Attachments: This allows you to attach a file to the summary report, such as a plan or tutoring schedule. The system will not allow attachments with certain special characters in the title.
Suggested Follow-up: These fields are used for informational purposes only. No appointment will be created as a result of filling them out.
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