Canvas allows instructors to combine course sections directly within the Canvas interface. Combining course sections effectively makes all students in all of the combined sections show up in one class in Canvas to allow instructors to maintain one course in the system that all students enrolled in the individual sections to access all course materials. Canvas calls this feature cross-listing.
Some examples of why you would want to combine course sections include: teaching multiple sections of the same class (for example ART 101-01 and ART 101-02) or courses that are cross-listed (For example ART 101-01 and ARTH 101-01).
Important: This process starts from the course you want to combine NOT the primary course. For example if you are trying to combine ART 101 and HIST 101 and want to use HIST 101 as the primary course in Canvas, you'll start the process from within ART 101 in the steps below.
Note: You can combine more than two sections together. For each section you want to combine, repeat the steps below.
To combine your sections
- Log in to Canvas.
- Navigate to the course you wish to combine by selecting it on the Dashboard. Note that if you do not see your course on the dashboard, you may need to select Courses in the navigation bar on the left and then All courses to see all of your courses.
- In the bottom left course navigation, select Settings.
- Select the Sections tab at the top
- Click the name of the course in the list. Under most circumstances, there should be only one course in this list, as shown in the image below.
- In the navigation bar on the right, select Cross-List this section
- In the Search for course box, type in the course you want to cross-list this course into. As you type, the list will start to narrow down. Select the course you want from the suggestions.
- Select Cross-List This Section
Once this completes successfully you will be taken to the course you cross-listed into on a screen that shows the enrollments. From here you can go to the home page of the course.
Additional information
Cross-listed courses in Canvas open a few features in the system with regards to announcements and deadlines. When you have a course cross-listed, activities will have additional options in the Assign box where you enter open and close dates allowing instructors to give different due dates and times to different sections.
Note: Be extremely careful when choosing to use this feature to ensure that all sections are included as it's extremely easy to forget to include a section in an assignment if you give them unique deadlines. Make sure each section is given an equivalent amount of time to complete activities to avoid unfairness in assignment deadlines.
Announcements have a similar box where you can choose to post an announcement to one specific section instead of all sections.
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