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iLearn to Canvas Transition
- Manually importing content from iLearn to Canvas
- Download iLearn video content
- Importing specific iLearn content to your Canvas course
- Adding Mediasite content to your Canvas course
- Using iLearn video in Canvas
- Working with Your Migrated iLearn Courses in Canvas
Canvas Studio
- Canvas Studio Overview
- Add a Canvas Studio video to a discussion post
- Downloading content from Canvas Studio
- Uploading a new video to Canvas Studio
- Edit a video in Canvas Studio
- Add or generate captions in Canvas Studio
- Canvas user interface and navigation
- Getting Started with Canvas
- Start of semester checklist
- Term deadlines and access to Canvas activities
- Edit your Canvas profile
- Creating a Page in Canvas
Class Management
- Copying one Canvas course into another Canvas course
- Manually add users to a Canvas course
- Adding a Discussion to a Module
- Adding an External URL to a Module
- Adding a File to a Module
- Adding a File to a Page
Grades and grading
- Exporting Grades to a spreadsheet
- Viewing the Gradebook Totals as a Letter Grade
- Manually posting grades
- Setting up a weighted gradebook in Canvas
- Adding a "grade item" to your Canvas gradebook
- Dropping the lowest scores
- Viewing Turnitin Feedback as a Student
- Adding an iLearn Video to a Page
- Adding an iLearn Video to a Module
- Adding an existing Zoom link to your course
- Using Box in Canvas
- Managing and using external applications (LTIs) in a Canvas course